Kilte made a huge step forward when they signed with Goatowarex, but a mutual feeling of pride and respect is appropriate I think. Goatowarex has signed a talented bunch of young musicians who have the capacities and creative strength to go far and Kilte has found a label which will do much good for their evolution as a whole and help empower and improve said musical capacities and give them the recognition they deserve, even if it's just on a small scale consisting of devoted followers. Kilte have been around for about 6 years and have released in that time a demo, an EP and a split, of which the split was rather well received by the underground circles. The split features next to Kilte also Funeral Mourning. Before that however, came the EP, entitled Absence. I cannot compare the split with the EP, as I do not have it in my possession just yet (the split that is), but im pretty sure that quality wise this release will be around the same level as the one that followed; in other words extremely enjoyable repetitive black metal. The recognition that the split received was, no doubt, for a large part thanks to Funeral Mourning. Who, despite having only one release so far, have already quite a following and somewhat of a status, which I find quite surprising since I thought Drown In Solitude was rather plain and well...simply put boring. Absence has a playtime of nearly half an hour and brings something to the table which is not uncommon these days - minimalistic, reiterative black metal. The music is gloomy and generally quite disheartening; enhanced by the minimalistic nature of the music, you get thrown into a vicious circle of negativity that keeps repeating itself endlessly. Important to note is that it never becomes dull, despite being so monotonous, which is a testimony to the quality of execution performed by Kilte. I suggest that newcomers start with Emission Through Self Infliction, even if it's just for purely pratical reasons - the split will be much easier to track down - and then switch to their previous material.

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