Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturnalia Temple - UR

UR is fuzzy, psychedelic and all-around heavy. Saturnalia Temple presents the ultimate way of escaping, through the tick smokey stoner riffs that create a mist through which these occultists preach their ways. The vocalist sounds particulary peculiar with his echoing, soothing, but sometimes also harsh voice and generally dramatic performance although not to the extent which S:t Erik took it. UR allows you to get lost in occultists traditions, black magic and darkness created through psychedelic leads and riffs that build to a certain momentum or just get endlessly repeated until you've completely passed out, while the drums provide for the perfect backdrop. Saturnalia Temple is slowly leaving the demo phase behind and have recently released a split album with some black metal bands, as well as a new EP. If you worship the altar of Come My Fanatics... or Baptism of the Walking Dead, then you know what to do.



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