Fall Of The Idols have been shot as the true heirs to the finnish throne of Reverend Bizarre. Stylistically there are certainly resemblances between the two, but Fall Of The Idols makes the difference, by performing very consistent and bringing quality again with each release, something which can't be said about Reverend Bizarre. I would place both Womb Of The Earth and The Séance on the same level as the monumental In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend. Fall Of The Idols have mastered the same quality as Reverend Bizarre, by using a postive rock 'n roll vibe to their advantage, so that it in the end the truly gloomy moments that grace Womb Of The Earth turn out to be a devestating and emotionally exhausting journey. The strongest aspect about Fall Of The Idols are undoubtly the heavy guitars with no less than 3 guitarists. This shit is heavy and without compromise. Womb Of The Earth is crammed with memorable riffs, solo's and moving guitar leads. Atonement For The One is for example a typical Fall Of The Idols rifffest, where one badass riff follows the other and in the background you'll constantly hear another riff developing until it reaches a stunning climax by the end of the song. Another random highlight would be Keep Wandering The Night with its terribly catchy chorus and stunning guitar lead. A good thing about Womb Of The Earth is that it's constantly varying between more mid-tempo parts and slower segments. On The Séance they didn't use this particular change of paste as often and was just one piece of total blackness, that might be a little inaccessible for the untrained doom ear. Jyrki (vocalist Fall Of The Idols) has a suitable voice for Fall Of The Idols and has a decent enough reach to change his tone when necessary. Don't be expecting a Messiah or Rob Lowe, though. In the end Fall Of The Idols remains a band who worked their way up the ladder the old school way. They began by releasing a multitude of demo's before bringing out full length albums. Over the years they have gotten more and more recognition and now that Reverend Bizarre is no more, it's time these guys get all the recognition they deserve, because as far as i'm concerned they are one of the true masters of finnish doom.

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