"Lay to waste my stiffened core, all hope is gone, all life is lost."
Decomposed a forgotten UK band from the early nineties. Hope Finally Died... was released during the year when that other similar monumental piece Transcendence Into The Peripheral saw the light and now acts as a good reference point of quality early to mid-nineties doom death metal. Decomposed were defintely not doing something new and weren't particulary innovative at the time, but when the quality of the music is as good as this, then who cares. Until today they have remained an obscurity, all the attention was centred on the peaceville three who were, as you know, also from the UK. If this had any role in the early demise of Decomposed, I don't know, but I can imagine something along those lines. It would be wrong of me to make any judgments about this, so I will let it be. Hope Finally Died... is fairly similar to Transcendence... in that aspect that it equally grinds away at ferocious speed and then all of a suddenly drop the paste to a mid-paced or slow one. Not as extreme as Disembowelment, where they literally went from a grinding assault to practically a complete halt upon which the music barely progressed at all and turned into this massive behemoth. Not here. Decomposed do speed it up quite frequently as well, but opt for a more mid-paced progress rather than really go for the agonizingly slow one. In this aspect they will be more accessible, but perhaps also less memorable? Not exactly. The strongest aspect of Hope Finally Died... are the riffs. At their best they manage to bring forth waves of misery upon the listener in a way that manages to create a sort of peaceful setting where dead seems like an agreeable thing. Everything feels very natural and flows perfectly, this especially goes for some of the guitar solos. Timing is outstanding and they actually add something and aren't simply placed there because they felt they needed some guitar solos. Drum fills are outstanding and some blast beats are present as well, making for an interesting mix. The entire atmosphere is what's so interesting about Hope Finally Died... . Some aggressive parts are present to keep it interesting, but generally this a very morbid take on death metal and will try to convince you of your own deathwish.

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