The last couple of years I can count on one hand how many times i've played this album. I rarely listen to it, because it requires something extra. This is weird music, which can only be enjoyed if all aspects are in your advantage. You'll soon notice why this is such a monstrosity of an album and I mean that in a good way. Elysian Blaze play black metal, but a very unique type. Mutatiis - the man behind Elysian Blaze - experiments not only with the music itself, but especially with the production. He makes Levitating The Carnal sound really distant and the entire thing has this sort of echo effect to it. It almost seems like i'm listening to this album in a cathedral, like the one depicted on the album coverart. So this clearly was a move intentionally done by Mutatiis and he completely succeeds in creating this. The value of the production is very important to notice, as without this particular type of effect, it would lose a lot of it's unique strength. Levitating The Carnal progresses in a mostly mid-tempo and slow fashion, but has some faster sections as well (Macabre Be Thy Blood). The guitar tone sounds exactly like everything else, distant and echoing and creates long-winded, but moving and slightly melodious riffs that make up for a very solid basis for Mutatiis to work on. Extra depth is created by frequently using a piano. The hard part about Levitating The Carnal is that it's so goddamn inaccessible. Even listening to it is a nervous experience. Not one factor in your own surrounding can change as it might ruin the whole listening experience. Combine that with the fact that this album has a playtime of almost 70 minutes and you know chances of you listening to this a lot will be pretty slim. It demands your entire attention. When it eventually has your full attention it will allow you to sink in the entire atmosphere and experience the brilliance of Levitating The Carnal.
I should say that this should possible be experienced as you might experience some Lustmord or Northaunt or basically anything similar. Even though this is unmistakingly heavy metal, the complete package has a very ambient feel and should therefore also be considered as something along those lines. Don't expect to be headbanging 70 minutes to this, because that will not happen. If you prefer your black metal thrashy or of the scandinavian school, then think twice as to wether you really want to try Levitating The Carnal, as it might turn out to be a frustrating experience. If you like the french or perhaps to a lesser extent the greek scene and enjoy the typical mystical atmosphere those scenes are known for (I realise that this might be a stretch for some people, but i'm purely comparing moods generated by the music and not the music itself), then by all means, add Levitating The Carnal to your collection. Be prepared to be entranced by this repetitive, minimalistic and unique take on black metal!

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