Grand Belial's Key are undoubtedly the kings of American black metal. This album would be the climax of them and what a piece of art it is. This is nothing, but mockery. The whole album revolves in making fun on a real sinister, morbid, and funny way of Judeo-Christianity , and it works great just have a look at the cover art. This is not NSBM, this is just something else, whomever categorizes this band as NSBM should be shot! Also I'd like to consider GBK and Grom as the best examples of USBM, riffs, great lyrics, and highly proficient musicians. The riffs found on Grand Belial's Key are great for headbanging, the solos are also extremely good (also something extremely rare on the whole black metal scene). Like I said before the riffs are extremely good, they are not the typical bm riffs, they are very different, hard to describe, kind of punkish, but with a especial touch. The couples of solos are also extremely good, Gelal gets a bit loose on Doves of war and shows of how solos have to be in black metal, wild yet not technical at all. The drumming is also extremely good, the drummer did an excellent job fitting on the album, the pattern is very interesting especially in The Shitagogue. The keyboard is well played, it is only present for a couple of seconds though. The vocalist is perhaps the best thing after the guitarists, he does a great job throughout the whole album, especially the parts here he does solo vocals. The wide range of his vocals are the most interesting part, he goes from a screechy scream to an almost death metallish growl. The production could have been better, this is the only weak aspect of the album, production should not be a turn off for most metalheads, if someone can't listen to this it shouldn't be listening to metal. The lyrics of the album are also incredible funny, this is something not to take serious, they are only making fun of religion, have a problem with that? deal with it and fuck off! This is a mere example of a song:
"Satanic bullets destined to perforate
The chosen people of Z.O.G.
Hordes of true Black Metal arsonists
Roast the red fathers of the protocol"
The chosen people of Z.O.G.
Hordes of true Black Metal arsonists
Roast the red fathers of the protocol"
And that's only a part of it. The music could be rated as complex, for the genre, but everything is kept simple. These guys however don't share any of the aspects that the Scandinavians, French, and others are so proud of. None of the 'kvlt' faggot look like corpse paint is found here. That said one can have an idea of the mentality of these guys, extremely arrogant and that is great! Another excellent release from the US, enjoy!
GBK- Judeobeast Assassination
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